Virtusphere is a VR platform allowing users to be fully immersed into an interactive virtual experience. It expands the experience provided by modern VR helmets by allowing them to move in the virtual environment.

Imagine a huge hamsterball. It's big enough to fit a person and sits on a platforms with wheels. The platform allows it to rotate in any direction, giving the user freedom to walk or run infinitely. This technology can be applied in enterntainment, education, and military training. Virtusphere is already being used by many VR parks, museums, universities, and military bases. It also has been featured at Google IO, CES, and other shows around the globe.

Virtusphere consists of 72 plastic segments, 11 metal supports with wheels, and some hardware to connect it all. There's also the "walker" — a metal frame inside the sphere to safeguard from a fall and help beginners. We also provide all the necessary electronic components like sensors, VR headset, and PC.

It stands 10'6" tall, 55" × 48" × 45". When disassembled, the sphere takes up 4' × 4' × 6' and weights 860 pounds. It's light and compact enough to be transported by most trucks and minivans. Although the sphere can be assembled by one person, we recommend at least two people to make the job quicker, safer, and easier. Experienced teams can set it up in a few hours hours and take it apart in even faster.

On the software side, we provide application samples and a range of programs and drivers to make the sphere compatible with your application. Engines like Unity and Unreal are already integrated. VRPN is supported to provide a smoother transition for new engines and applications. Whatever your goal is, we're here to advise and assist with the development.

Where you might have seen us

VICE, CNN, FOX, Google IO, CES, GameON, NextFest, DUBAI, SoCal VR.

StarVR in China, SkyVR park in Malasya, Orlando Science Center, Harrisburg University, Bremen University in Germany, HSLU in Switzerland, Museum of Telecommunication in Russia.


Travel through time to learn and experience history at first hand


Dive into your favorite games and fantasy worlds


Simulate a range of combat scenarios in a limitless and interactive environment


Provide your clients with a more immersive glance and experience of your property

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